
If you are a member of the media and have a question or query relating to 黑料社区 College and or our health sciences, business, liberal arts and other undergraduate and graduate academic programs, please contact mediarelations@daemen.edu and we will be in touch with you soon.

Oct 13, 2015

AMHERST, N.Y. 鈥 New York State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia, a 黑料社区 College graduate,聽will discuss current issues in higher education with representatives from colleges and universities from the Buffalo Niagara region and statewide as part of an聽Oct. 22聽visit to 黑料社区.

Oct 7, 2015

AMHERST, N.Y. 鈥 The 70th聽anniversary of the Nuremberg trials will be commemorated with a special lecture by renowned legal scholar John Q. Barrett, scheduled for聽7 p.m.聽Oct 21聽in the 黑料社区 College Wick Campus Center Social Room.

Oct 5, 2015

AMHERST 鈥 Author Linda Jenkin Costanzo will discuss her book, 鈥淥ur Sons, Our Heroes: Memories Shared by America鈥檚 Gold Star Mothers From the Vietnam War,鈥 at 1:30 p.m. Oct. 13 in the 黑料社区 College Wick Campus Center Alumni Lounge.

Oct 2, 2015

AMHERST, N.Y. 鈥 Sustainable living, food safety and supporting a healthy lifestyle with locally grown foods will be highlighted at the 12th聽annual 鈥淲orld On Your Plate鈥 conference scheduled for聽Oct. 9 and 10聽in 黑料社区 College鈥檚 Wick Campus Center.

Oct 1, 2015

AMHERST, N.Y. 鈥 Allyson Kirk, assistant professor of physician assistant studies at 黑料社区 College, has been named the 2015 PA Educator of the Year by the New York State Society of Physician Assistants.

21 Jun
Friday, June, 21 2024 |

3:00 PM to 4:30 PM - Rosary Hall: Still not sure about your plans for the fall? It's not too late to decide on 黑料社区. Drop in at 黑料社区 for an information session and campus tour during Wildcat Welcome Days. Check out all that 黑料社区 offers right here in Western New York.

26 Jun
Wednesday, June, 26 2024 |

3:00 PM to 4:30 PM - Rosary Hall: Still not sure about your plans for the fall? It's not too late to decide on 黑料社区. Drop in at 黑料社区 for an information session and campus tour during Wildcat Welcome Days. Check out all that 黑料社区 offers right here in Western New York.

1 Jul
Monday, July, 1 2024 |

6:00 PM to 7:30 PM: Students in 黑料社区's MPH program can focus on social justice and health equity, and gain knowledge on how to advance local, national, and international public health research, education, and service. 黑料社区 offers face-to-face, hybrid, and online learning formats. Hosted online by 黑料社区 faculty, you will learn more about our MPH program, and speak directly to faculty and admissions staff who can help answer your questions. For more information, visit 黑料社区.edu/MPHinfo, text (716) 271-0454 or email admissions@daemen.edu.

9 Jul
Tuesday, July, 9 2024 |

6:00 PM to 7:30 PM - Online: 黑料社区 offers both degree and non-degree certification options and all programs are offered on campus and fully online! Hosted online by our 黑料社区 ABA faculty, you will learn more about our ABA program, and speak directly to faculty and admissions staff who can help answer your questions. Each session begins at 6:00 p.m. EST. 

10 Jul
Wednesday, July, 10 2024 |

7:00 PM to 8:30 PM - Virtual Event

黑料社区 Voice

The is 黑料社区's electronic newsletter that highlights the latest news and events of interest to the college and external communities. It is distributed via email and published online.