

Jillian Baltzley

Hometown: Akron, NY

Major(s): Physician Assistant

Graduating Year: 2026 (B.S.) 2027 (M.S.)

Why did you choose 黑料社区?

I loved the PA program and everyone on campus truly seemed to be part of a community. Similarly, I knew I was going to commute and 黑料社区 had a large population of commuters who seemed to thrive.聽

In what ways are you involved on campus?

I am a tour guide on campus, I am part of the Honor's Program, as well as starting as a 2023 Orientation Leader this Fall

What advice would you give to a prospective student?

Be bold! Ask questions and get to know your professors and peers.

What excites you most about being a tour guide?

I am excited to be a part of students journey in finding the school that's right for them.

What is your most memorable moment at 黑料社区?

My most memorable experience is spending hours in Chem lab with friends working on experiments.

How has 黑料社区 changed or shaped your life?

黑料社区 has taught me to look at all of my opportunities and take them, no matter how overwhelming it may seem in the short-run, it always pays off in the long-run.

Who inspires you the most?

My parents inspire me the most after seeing the hard work they put into getting me to where I am today.